Our commitment to environmental care is present at all times, from end to end. We carry out a series of initiatives based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We employ sustainable production techniques throughout our entire cycle, such as soil conservation, waste management, and optimizing energy and water consumption.
All of our production prioritizes care for the environment and preservation areas. We prepare the soil in a sustainable way using agricultural inputs produced in our composting yard. In the sugarcane development phase, we carry out fertilization with organic waste and fertigation. Our harvests are carried out 100% mechanically.
We work with a closed water circuit, meaning there is no disposal during the process. Water withdrawals are regulated by competent authorities to ensure that the entire process is carried out in a sustainable and legal manner. We are certified by RenovaBio, a Federal Government initiative for social, environmental, and economic sustainability
Through the Technical Flora Reconstitution Project, we preserved 25.38 ha of protected or restored habitats. We maintain a nursery of plants native to the Cerrado, producing around 10,000 seedlings per year, and part of the production is donated. We monitor the region to identify the flow of fauna in the sugarcane planting area annually.
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