Frequently Asked Questions

Get your questions answered about CMAA investor relations


Check out some recurring questions about our company

Where are CMAA shares traded?

Our shares are not traded on a stock exchange or even on an over-the-counter market. We are an open-ended private capital company, registered with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) under Category B. Registration with the CVM under Category B authorizes us to trade, in regulated markets, securities other than shares, share depositary certificates, or securities that convert or grant the right to acquire shares or share depositary certificates.

How and where does CMAA disclose its information?

All of our material facts, results announcements and other announcements to the market are published simultaneously on the CVM and on the investors tab of our website. The complete financial statements are published annually in Jornal da Manhã (Uberaba, MG) and the Official Gazette of the State of Minas Gerais. Quarterly financial statements, earnings reports, material facts and notices to shareholders are available in the investor area of our website. Other information can also be obtained from the Securities and Exchange Commission website (

How can I contact the Investor Relations Department?

By email

Why does CMAA use the harvest calendar?

We maintain our fiscal year and disclosure calendar aligned with the practices of sugar and alcohol companies in general, with the aim of better representing the evolution of our fiscal year, aligned with the sugarcane harvest.

Learn more about CMAA

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