
We are shaping a sustainable future driven by technology and innovation.
What we produce

What we produce


Leveraging sustainable agricultural practices and modern industrial processes driven by a relentless pursuit of efficiency and excellence, we produce sugar, ethanol, and bioenergy.



Discover our main products.
VHP Sugar

VHP Sugar

Known as "raw sugar", it is used as a raw material for refined sugar and other products.
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Biofuel, sustainable alternative aligned with the new era. Shaping the future requires rethinking our present habits.
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Generated from sugarcane bagasse, it powers our units and is also commercialized.
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100% sugarcane utilization

Throughout the production process, we maximize the use of sugarcane. That means ensuring complete resource utilization. How? See below.

Sugarcane Planting

Sugarcane Planting

A cornerstone for achieving production success. Agricultural planning encompasses the designation of planting areas, proper demarcation with due consideration for environmental protection, and the implementation of technology to ensure 100% mechanized planting, which promotes and guarantees sustainable management practices. During the production and management phases, agricultural byproducts are utilized as inputs, such as filter cake prepared in our composting yards, and vinasse is employed for fertigation during crop management.



Our harvesting process is fully mechanized, conducted at the peak of sugarcane's physiological maturity. The entire process is controlled by onboard computers, which guarantee traceability. Guaranteeing even more safety, technology, and innovation in action!

Sugarcane Milling

Sugarcane Milling

Once harvested, the sugarcane is transported to the industrial park. It undergoes a defibering process to facilitate juice extraction, and the defibered bagasse is subjected to successive pressing stages.



The extracted sugarcane juice undergoes a series of decantation, evaporation, boiling, and centrifugation processes. This results in the production of VHP sugar.



Sugar can be turned into alcohol. Hydrated ethanol is produced via distillation, while anhydrous ethanol is obtained through dehydration.

Vinasse and Filter Cake

Vinasse and Filter Cake

Vinasse and Filter Cake are, respectively, byproducts and impurities generated during the production process. Filter cakes are reused as fertilizer, while vinasse is used in fertigation.

Energy Generation

Energy Generation

After pressing, the residual sugarcane bagasse is used in the production of bioenergy through boilers.

Production capacity

Production capacity

As one of the industry's leading players, we are committed to expanding our production capacity. Our sugarcane milling capacity reaches an impressive 10 million tons per crop season. These figures translate into jobs, products, and development.


Technologies for the Industry and Agriculture

We constantly seek innovative and sustainable alternatives, as well as new technologies.

Presence in the Triângulo Mineiro area

Presence in the Triângulo Mineiro area

With our Administrative Headquarters in Uberlândia, we operate three units: Vale do Tijuco, Vale do Pontal, and Canápolis.

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