Committed to sustainable development, Companhia Mineira de Açúcar e Álcool (CMAA) recognizes the significance of strengthening its efforts in areas such as global decarbonization, which aligns with the company's pursuit of both high productivity and environmental sustainability. In line with this commitment, CMAA bases its best practices on the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a global pact signed by the 193 UN member states with 17 goals aimed at making progress towards eradicating poverty, protecting the environment and climate, and ensuring that people and future generations have employment and income opportunities, food and energy security with a view to a more sustainable world.
CMAA recognizes the most significant impacts of its operations on the market, the environment, and people; the company assesses both the positive and negative impacts of its business and identifies alternatives for continuous process improvement. It establishes objectives and goals for the rational use of natural resources, conservation and recovery of ecosystems, sustainable partnership systems, fair labor practices, and continuous development of its agribusiness operations, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
Therefore, 15 SDGs have been identified, which allowed us to establish a direct relationship between CMAA's operations and contributions to the evolution of the initiatives that make up the 2030 Agenda. CMAA's material topics are also aligned with the principles of the 2015 Paris Agreement, which establishes guidelines and targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The challenge is to deepen these commitments, season after season, in collaboration with other areas of CMAA, in order to create metrics for monitoring this evolution.